
The Peggy Lite-Brite

1502 solder points. ~7.5 meters of solder. 7 hours. 1 peggy. This is the Peggy Lite-Brite…

I’ve owned a Peggy 1.0 for several months now, but never assembled it. Ever since I got it, I’ve wanted to solder female headers to it so that I could re-use it indefinitely. But the idea of soldering 625 headers to all available pixels, as well as the other necessary componenets, was daunting. Fortunately, 5in5 gave me the opportunity to realize my dream. I got to work at 11:30am, and finished soldering the last component at 6:35pm. (I did take about 20 minutes to each lunch.) I’m extremely happy with the outcome! I know the Peggy has been called an “adult Lite-Brite” for a while now, but until now no Peggy has ACTUALLY become an adult Lite-Brite…as far as I know.

This was a ton of work, and I now I wish I had accomplished this on a Peggy 2.0. Maybe someday, but for now I have the next best thing! For more photos, check out my flickr stream.

July 31st, 2008


  • 1. aminorking  |  August 1st, 2008 at 12:41 am

    Good work.
    I am interested in doing the same thing and was just wondering what headers you used, and if you are happy with them. Do the hold to LED’s in upside-down?

  • 2. Corey Menscher  |  August 1st, 2008 at 1:14 pm

    The headers I used were ordered from Digikey (part number S7000-ND). They were $79 for 700. (I bought some extras because I figured I might break/lose a few. Besides, I might need them for another project!)

    The headers hold the LED’s quite well. They are inserted without the leads cut, and even so they hold when the board is held face-down. If the leads were to be cut, I think they would be even more secure.

    Thanks for the compliment!

  • 3. aminorking  |  August 1st, 2008 at 11:10 pm


  • 4. KATE HARTMAN » Blog&hellip  |  November 11th, 2008 at 6:14 pm

    […] student-run 5-in-5 for as a guest for a day. Day 3’s fun and innovative projects included an adult Lite Brite, a dynamic map of the everchanging ITP floorplan, and a fabulous Processing-based rendition of the […]

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