David Steele Overholt
David Steele Overholt is a second year masters candidate at New York University’s ITP. David was born and raised in Oklahoma City, OK and graduated with a BA in Graphic Design in 2003. He has worked as a graphic and interactive designer for many international companies, a guest speaker and adjunct professor, and is currently researching user and experience centered design.
When studying the Dadaists in undergrad, I remember being fascinated with the artists’ technique of going on walks to gain inspiration and materials for their work. Specifically, Kurt Schwitters’ Merz assemblage pieces (check the bottom of this post for more info). This seems fairly natural and obvious to me now – when I need to get inspiration and think about my projects it’s second nature to go driving, walk, get on the subway, or just take a shower to have time to think and mull-through some ideas, but at the time I was flabbergasted. Why would I want to just walk around for no reason?
The purpose of this project is to go on a randomly navigated journey which concludes in a collage/assemblage, and use the event as an alpha prototype for the creation of an iPhone application that would navigate these journeys for me.

August 1st, 2008

Today I’m launching a website that has been in the making for a while now – FlashPrototyping.com (see the launch e-mail).
As my project for today, I’m putting together a workshop here in San Diego, CA on using Flash as a prototyping tool. It’s being held from 4pm-7pm at Point Loma Nazarene University in the Ryan Library Mac Lab.

July 31st, 2008

After living in beautiful San Diego, California for a period of time, you start to take ocean sunsets for granted. Because I’m only in town for another couple of weeks, I want to make sure I don’t do the same, but I also want to help my fellow San Diegan do the same. Today I’m creating a complete event package and traveling to Sunset Cliffs Natural Park to give out tickets to the sunset.
July 30th, 2008
I made a trip to the local thrift store today for some inspiration and tools. I had in mind that I wanted to use a television (I considered taking out the tube and modding it into a bookshelf) and came upon this really cool, old TV (1984). Wanting to stick with my idea of re-engineering a television’s use both physically and mentally, I decided I would plant it in the middle of a rock garden nearby and turn it into a mini Zen garden.
1 $6 TV from the thrift store
1 small bag of kids play sand
1 small dowel rod
A rock garden
A couple small rocks from the garden
Superglue, saw, electrical cord
I cut the dowel rods and super glued them real quick to make the rake, dumped the sand out so it sits right on top of the glass, plugged in the TV to a nearby outlet, and hid the cord under the rocks below the TV. I really like how the light from the TV shows through, so I didn’t try to hide it. Admittedly it calmed me down after getting everything ready on the 5-in-5 website this morning.
Flickr set –>

July 29th, 2008